When you want more than just an opinion

Barrett Consulting Services L.L.C. provides management consulting services that are focused on solutions that work now & provide options for your organization to grow. 

Too many times consulting firms provide textbook or trendy rehashed approaches that don’t take into account your organization or factor in the cost & time to implement.



The definition just scratches the surface of what manufactures manage on a daily basis. The complexities of machinery, human labor and the supporting supply chain require robust processes and supporting systems to deliver timely and profitable goods.  

  • Is your organization translating customer demand in such a way to optimize operations while still meeting your customer requirements?
  • How well is organization managing materials from FIFO, supporting third party providers to tracking scrap through the manufacturing processes?
  • Is your organization considering expanding or relocating production lines?

A successful supply-chain begins with selecting the right suppliers who have the operational capabilities and are committed to the partnership under well-documented commercial terms to drive optimal performance.

    • How much of the organization’s cash is tied up in excess inventory?  
    • Is your organization leveraging its MRP parameters? 
    • Are your suppliers meeting your organization’s expectations

Retail & Distribution

Retail and distribution lines have been blurred across the retail world where fulfillment may occur from stores, kiosks, distribution centers and even through third-party partners.  This level of real time integration requires robust systemic solutions and a knowledgeable team to fine tune these parameters in an ever-changing landscape.      


  • How reliable is your organization’s Inventory?       
  • Is your organization properly integrated across its channels to order to support customer fulfillment?  
  • Is your organization’s cash tied up in too much inventory?  

Information Systems

Barrett Consulting Services brings years of documented success in Information Systems management through the balancing the functional needs combined with the technical capabilities of our clients. 

  • Is your organization planning to integrate new business systems? 
  • Is your business operating across disparate information systems?         
  • Are you making the most of your ERP system?