Information Systems

Barrett Consulting Services brings years of documented success in Information Systems management through the balancing the functional needs combined with the technical capabilities of our clients. 

  • Is your organization planning to integrate new business systems? 

  • Is your business operating across disparate information systems?         

  • Are you making the most of your ERP system?  

The merging of organizations is complex and present challenges well beyond the financial aspects.   M&A are inherently complicated by the business cultures being brought together.  In order to be successful, it takes a structured disciplined approach in planning, execution as well as experience in dealing with the business cultural aspects of a merger.   Barrett Consulting Services L.L.C. brings practical experience to merging or tucking-in of acquisitions in a timely manner. 

We bring proven experience to help your organization create integration plans for acquired companies through requirements gathering and developing of business applications to support combined businesses.  


We understand that to effectively manage Information System projects you must create momentum by maintaining a project schedule while helping your organization determine the difference between functionality wishes vs. business requirements in order to keep on schedule and on budget.